Opera 2015 - Episode 017

Event-ID: 4005336361
Magnitude(MW): 7.7
Date-time: 25/04/2015 - 06:11:26 (UTC)
Coordinates:  28.18°N, 84.72°E
Deep: 10 km (fixed)
Seismic district: Nepal

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:  http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/5336361

Radioseismic index
(RI) and distances :

Source files:


NOAA space weather alerts and warning timeline,  4005336361 event marked with orange arrow. Ordinary geomagnetic activity two days before the event.

http://www.irf.se/maggraphs/puls.php - Kiruna Geophysical Institute (Sweden )

Induction coil, daily multi-strip composite image , 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event: ordinary  geomagnetic activity first, during and after the event. PC1 geomagnetic pulsation just after the event.

http://www.sgo.fi/Data/Pulsation/latestPulsation.php - Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory (Finland)

Induction coil,  4005336361 event marked with orange arrow. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event. Ordinary  geomagnetic activity first, during and after the event. PC1 geomagnetic pulsation just after the event, like Kiruna.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone,  hourly multistrip, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. Seismic wave, following the event, evidenced in white oval.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy

Induction coil,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event, only daily local noise two hours before.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, daily multistrip, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. First Schumann resonance marked on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event. The noise two hours before is similar to preceding days (oval marked with B) like for the other daily signals marked with A and C ovals.

Monitoring St. 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERVATORY From Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N Italy. 

Induction coil,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERVATORY From Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N Italy. 

Inductuion coil, daily multistrip, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. First Schumann resonance marked on left part. Daily local noise marked on white ovals, No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy

Induction coil,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy

Induction coil, daily representation, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. First Schumann resonance marked on left part. Some ordinary local signal, evidenced in white ovals. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy

Boltek, static electric field,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Weak electric field fluctuation starts with earthquake event, but similar to many others in the past months.

Monitoring St. 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy

Boltek, static electric field,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Like before but with weekly view.

Monitoring St. 02 - CSP VLF MONITORING STATION From Pontese dew (TO), NW Italy 

ADA receiver (electric field)/aerial loop (magnetic),  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Nice representation of statics activity. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 02 - CSP VLF MONITORING STATION From Pontese dew (TO), NW Italy 

ADA receiver (electric field)/aerial loop (magnetic), multistrip daily view4005336361 event marked with white arrow.  No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 01 - IK1QFK  CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy 

Geophone, hourly multistrip, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow, followed by seismic wave in white oval.

Monitoring St. 01 - IK1QFK  CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy 

Orthogonal Induction coils,  4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. Train passing 5 km away from monitoring station, the first of the morning. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 01 - IK1QFK  CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy 

Orthogonal Induction coils, hourly multistrip, 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on right part. Train passing. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 01 - IK1QFK  CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy 

Geophone and Marconi antenna,  4005336361 event marked with black arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part, ZEVS submarines carrier, some 50 Hz mirrored signals and low frequency noise caused by mechanical shaking of antenna. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 01 - IK1QFK  CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy 

Marconi Antenna, daily multistrip , 4005336361 event marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part. Daily wind and birds antenna shaking.  No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

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