LANDES - ELF Monitoring Station
Live data from Houeillès Lot et Garonne, South West France, West Europe
Maintained by F6ETU Jean Marie Brieussel for electronics and on-site maintenance
F5WK Michel Brunel for the IT part.  Google map click here  (Lat.  44° 11’ 25’’ N -Long. 00° 01’ 28’’ E )


Location of the Houeillès site

Assembly phase

Final assembly

The receiver is inside the concrete blocks

This site provides the observation and recording of natural magnetic phenomena received in ULF ELF (0.1Hz and 60Hz), the receiver was built following the description of the receiver ICS101 by Renato Romero. A wired connection of 130 m allows the transfer of data to the laboratory. A Picoscope 4262 does the analog-to-digital conversion. A Rasperry Pi3 with Paul Nicholson's vlfrx-tools suite handles data processing and transferand transferred via streaming to the Cumiana monitoring station in Italy, where they are processed with Spectrum Lab and put on the web.

Signal coming from ICS101 induction coil: EW reception. Eight hours, full view, with magnified PC1 frequency range 0.2 - 4 Hz on bottom.

Session n. 41 - pan view 0.1 - 55 Hz - scroll time 40 s - FFT res 19 mHz

Signal coming from ICS101 induction coil: EW reception. Hourly multistrips spectrogram, useful for characterising fast-evolving signals below 50 Hz.

Session 44 - hourly multistrip 0.2 to 48 Hz - scroll time 4.6 s - FFT res 76 mHz

Signal coming from ICS101 induction coil: EW reception. Daily multistrips spectrogram, useful for identifying daily signal periodicities below 4 Hz. Useful for identifying daily signal periodicities and for displaying geomagnetic pulsations PC1.

Session 42 - daily strips Schumann range - scroll time 108 s - FFT res 19 mHz

Signal coming from ICS101 induction coil: EW reception.  Daily multistrips spectrogram, useful for identifying daily signal periodicities below 50 Hz. Useful for identifying daily signal periodicities and for displaying Schumann resonances.

Session 43 - daily strips pulsation range - scroll time 108 s - FFT res 19 mHz

Real time situation about lighting strikes in Europe. Courtesy of

European map of lightning. It can sometimes be
                  off line for work in progress. If the map is not
                  displayed go to: http://

Unattended operations, signal conditioning, spectrograms and RDF functions are performed with SpectrumLab: . Many thanks to Wolfgang Buscher for his support.

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